About me
Hello, I’m Zhisheng Hu, a first-year Ph.D. student at CSE Department, CUHK(The Chinese University of Hong Kong), supervised by Prof. Yang. I received my B.Sc. in computer science and technology from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) in 2022. My research interest locates in systems, such as Operating System, Database, Cloud Computing and Distributed System.
During my undergraduate period in Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), under the guidance of Prof. Wen Xia, I studied the flash file system and tried to optimize the performance of the flash file system while ensuring the wear leveling of the flash media.
I worked in Huawei Cloud’s Cloud Storage Innovation Lab as a research intern from 2021/12/29 to 2022/07/08 under the supervision of Dr. Pengfei Zuo. In Cloud Storage Innovation Lab, I focused on building the next generation high efficient disaggregated memory.
For more information about Zhisheng’s background, please go to the page of CV.